Original Music
Without Your Love
Without your love is a 6 song EP original music written and performed by John Paul. All songs were written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
1) “Shine Upon Me” (calling on the Holy Spirit) scroll down to view our BitMoji video for this song.
2) “I Am your God” (a call to peace)
3) “Without Your Love” (a call to intercession) scroll down to view the music video
4) “Spirit of God” (a call to action)
5) “Keep on” (back to the rocker days, I wrote this song as a theme song for a Junior High Youth Conference for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia many years ago)
6) “Walls of Jericho” (this was a last minute add on, because it needs a lot more work. But, I thought people could experience the progression of song writing because sometimes it takes years.)
Rise Up! Based on Psalms 1-10
Let Us Pray
“Let Us Pray” is the first Christian Album recorded by John Paul approximately 20 ago. A special thank you to Merry Flynn and John Zak, who assisted with some of the percussion and bass tracks.
1) Focus my eyes on you
2) Take me away
3) Amen, dear Jesus
4) Talk to my heart
5) All I want to do is praise Your Name
6) In the name of the Father
7) Go out of here
8) The Word became flesh
9) Fill me to the top
10) Alleluia